Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Year

Happy New Year! I still cannot believe it is really 2013.  That seems kind of crazy to me, but I'm looking forward to the exciting things ahead.  Ty and I had a fabulous 2012 and a lot has happened around the Blair abode.  My first, first cousin was born at the end of 2011 and my first niece was born at the beginning of 2012, I graduated college and got my first teaching job at one of the best districts in the state, we bought our first home together and are currently living the life we've dreamed of.  2013, bring it on.  We are excited about the happy things you are already promising.

Several things within the last few months have reminded me just how short this life is.  I'm thankful for my days on Earth with Ty and our families.  How lucky and blessed we are.  The pain that parts of our nation have known lately is so unimaginable to me.  What a reminder that the things I feel are a big deal... are so not.  Ty and I saw Irving Berlin's White Christmas at the Rep before Christmas with my Dad and Tina.  It was so good, and one part in particular has really stuck with me.  During a stressful time they said something along the lines of this, "If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep. And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings."

Aunt, myself and mom at my first cousin's birthday party.

A lot of Christmas cooking/baking.  PB balls + Oreo truffles.

I thought really hard about what I wanted to do for my class as their Christmas present.  Instead of giving them a small gift, I created this invitation and showed it to them on the star board.  I bought cookies and supplies for us to make Christmas trees.  We had the best time making crafts, listening to Christmas music and simply enjoying each other.  Have I mentioned I love all of those sweet babies so much?

Celebrating my sweet Ty's 25th birthday.  We celebrated at Tavola's, a local restaurant that we love dearly.  We had the best time eating and drinking way too much.

Christmas moments.  

I <3 New outfits.  I wore the outfit on the left for running around town to different shops with some of Ty's family, and I wore the outfit on the right for NYE.

Love.  True Love.

New night stand for my side of the bed.  Found this beauty at a local flea mart!

How did you spend the last few weeks of 2012?
Here's to 2013.

love, the Blair Abode

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