Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I'm Loving

Happy Wednesday! Our week has been full of all things home and packing related.  Packing for Florida, that is.  I am so excited for our trip to Rosemary Beach, Florida.  So much family time, so much beach time and so much laughing.  I love it! We look forward to this week together all year long.

{Last year in Rosemary- So much fun!}

{My Uncle got married last year on our trip to my beautiful Aunt Kristen! The very far right is my gorgeous mother, myself and my gorgeous Aunt Tam.}

Of course I got a pedicure before we head out Friday.  You can't go to the beach without getting a pedicure before hand, right?  I'm loving all of the blues, greens and mint colors I am seeing in nail polish. I chose this color for my pedi... 
 {Color Club-Wild Child} You can buy it here!

I also have made a challenge for myself this year while packing for Rosie.  I decided I would try and fit everything into my Vera Bradley Weekender.  It looks like this: 

Seriously my favorite piece of luggage ever. So many pockets! I've already done most of my packing, and I'm a little worried that maybe it won't all fit. I'm determined though! 

I've also been thinking about how I want to decorate our guest rooms in the new house.  I have a gorgeous twin bed from the room I grew up in.  So, I'm thinking of bedding and nightstands at the moment. I'm really liking this Expedit Shelving from Ikea.  How cute to fill each compartment...

I'm also liking the idea of a white quilt as the bedding with a fun sheet pattern and decorative pillows.  Maybe something like this...
Here is Pottery Barn's Hanna Quilt- I would choose white.

I know this is a lot of random, little thoughts.  But, it's what I have been thinking of lately! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

love, the Blair Abode

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A little bit of life...

Happy Thursday, sweet readers (ok, I really don't know if I have any readers at this point- oh well)! I haven't done much blogging this week.  It's been a crazy life lately.  We are out of town every weekend this month + looking at houses + a Florida trip in a week! It's all so exciting, and I'm not complaining but I am tired. Who isn't, though? 

I've chosen to spend my summers working at an elementary aged day camp.  I love this job, and I love the people I work with.  But, I'm beginning to wonder if I have gone mad.  There are 22-26 kiddos on average everyday.  We seriously spend all day problem solving for these little minds, answering three trillion questions and breaking up a variety of arguments all. the. time.  I can't tell you how many times we hear, "He cutted."  We are all going to the same exact place.  The person who cut you is only two steps ahead of you.   I do love these sweet kids and their imaginations, but man, I am already thinking maybe I'm a little crazy... 

I'm typically a person who believes "everything happens for a reason." I still do, and I do think that God has a plan for me that far exceeds anything I can dream up for myself.  Honestly though, I'm discouraged lately on the job front.  I've said I wanted to be a teacher since I was in Kindergarten.  I never changed my mind.   It's what I have always envisioned myself doing, and I've always felt such peace with that decision.  I graduated a little over a month ago and have had three interviews.  All of which resulted in no job.  Each time, the school chose someone with experience/a teacher already employed in the district, just simply switching grade levels.  Frustrating! How can you spend four years working your tail off and doing the best you can, graduate college and then have no job?  That's where I begin to doubt the whole "everything happens for a reason" saying.  What reason is there for having no job? Especially one that you have dreamed of since you were little?  

It's such a time of doubt, and I'm really trying hard to remain optimistic.  I've always loved this quote and it seems to always bring me some encouragement...

On a happier note, Ty and I offered on a house and so far everything is going well.  We will find out tonight more information, but it sounds like we are all about to agree on something! I can't wait to show pictures of it... hopefully soon.

love, the Blair Abode

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Products I love: Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was going to do a 'Products I love' series.  This series was going to be an opportunity for me to share beauty products that I have loved and cannot live without.  To say that I haven't followed up with this series is an understatement.  Honestly and truly,  I kind of totally forgot about it. Oops! Forgive me?

I'm going to try and stay with this series again because I have tons of goodies to share!  Like today's product will blow. you. away.  It is by far my favorite hair product ever {besides my Wella shampoo & conditioner}

Oribe's Dry Texturizing Spray.  This is the perfect hair product for adding volume and texture + the scent is delish.  It's almost like a dry shampoo.  It spruces up your hair and I love to use it on the first day, second day, third day... {as in, on the first day I washed my hair and the second day I did not}.  It's great to add volume when wearing hair down or up.  It provides texture and doesn't leave hair feeling flat.  Addicted is an understatement, y'all.  Try it out.. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Oh yeah, this isn't a hairspray.  I still use hairspray as I'm finishing my hair.  Speaking of hair, I figured out how to do this style...

It's the perfect summer up-do that is super easy.  Oribe is great to use for this style because of all the extra volume and boost added!  Have a Happy Tuesday!

love, the Blair Abode

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Show Us Your Kitchen

I'm linking up with Kelly from Kelly'sKornerBlog for another room tour!  The link-up started Friday, but it has been a busy weekend for us! This time the room to share is kitchens.  My absolute favorite room to see in other people's houses.  Something about it is just so. much. fun.

I won't lie.  It took me about thirty minutes to get our kitchen in "picture-taken kinda shape."  I also had to just simply sit a few things on the living room floor to get them out of the way.  I think that is kind of life though, right?  Nothing is ever perfectly picked up, and our town-home is definitely lived in.  

Our kitchen is one of my favorite things. I have loved decorating it and I'm so happy that everything I have found will fit perfectly into our house that we are hopefully getting soon.. fingers crossed!

Welcome to Our Kitchen...

love, the Blair Abode

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

Happy Wednesday! I'm linking up with Michelle from The Vintage Apple today! She created a link up for sharing all things found on Pinterest lately.  I love the idea, and you should try it too!  I haven't done much 'Pinteresting' lately, but I'm going to share some of my favorites I have found on Pinterest in the last few months.  I need more Pinterest in my life anyway...

+I love a pop of color this island gives the kitchen.  I always have loved white cabinets, but I love the idea of adding some color with an island.  If you do not have space for an island, paint a cabinet.

+I love this room for a guest bedroom.  Ty and I are currently looking at a house, and I have a twin bed similar to this.  I love this room as inspiration!  

+Perfect summer nail polish.  This color makes me think of the beach...

+I want to paint stripes like these in our house one day! I love this so. so. much.

+Or this paint technique.. I totally love this! 

Grab the button from the right side of my blog to link up! Can't wait to see everyone else's Pinterest favorites.  Have a happy rest of the day!

love, the Blair Abode

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Life Lately

This past weekend Ty and I had a mini get-away trip to Branson.  I mentioned the trip here a few days ago.  Ty's work totally paid for the trip which included tickets to White Water, Dixie Stampede and a hotel stay for one night.  Let me just say that we so enjoyed the trip.  We  hadn't been anywhere just the two of us since getting married.  We had the best time getting away and feeling like we were on a mini vacation!  Branson, MO is only two hours from us and it really is a fun place with a lot to do! 

We started the trip with one of these, of course...

+We spent all day Saturday at White Water {waterpark}.  I really did not take one picture while we were there! My camera and water doesn't really mix well + going down water slides all day!

I snagged this picture from here.  This was our favorite water slide {the one with the mats}.  It really feels fast and it feels steep as you go down.. I'm pretty sure I said, "OMG!" in my head all the way down...

+We have been to the Dixie Stampede before and they put on a fun show + the food is awesome.  You have to eat everything with your hands. They give you no utensils!

+We did a little shopping on Sunday and I got some new skinny jeans from Gap and these...
The perfect neutral wedge! I'm jumping with joy.  The other neutral wedges I ordered did not fit, but I think it all worked out for the best!

It was the perfect weekend trip and it made us super excited for our Florida trip {less than three weeks}!

love, the Blair Abode

Monday, June 4, 2012

Show Us Your Living Room

Happy Monday! Today, I'm linking up with Kelly from Kelly's Korner.  Kelly is a blogger from NWA, and I have loved reading her blog.  She does an awesome job! She has started a tour of homes link-up. First on the list is living rooms! 

Welcome to our living room...
Our style is a mix of vintage + traditional + a little eclectic.  


love, the Blair Abode