Friday, May 18, 2012

The Dreaded Cleaning Day!

Why is it so hard to get motivated when it comes to cleaning?  Some days I'm chomping at the bit to get goin', but other days I'm!  I try to do a deep clean in our house once a week.  Usually, this is on Saturday or Sunday morning.  We try super super hard to keep our place picked up during the week.  This hopefully means that on the weekend we are ready to scrub, and then we are DONE!  We don't always do our best at keeping things picked up but that's life, right?

This week has been much different than what my typical week has been like since January.  I finished my semester long Internship in a 4th grade classroom this past Tuesday.  So, I've had Wednesday, Thursday and today off.  It has been totally wonderful. I could really get used to being at home everyday.  But, I begin working at the preschool Monday.  This is my summer job, and I'm waiting to hear back from an interview with a 4th grade position. Fingers crossed!

Back to cleaning.  I have the opportunity to get my deep clean in today.  Meaning, the weekend is much more relaxing.  I also have the house to myself all day.  That means I'm able to get way more done...  

In order to get myself motivated I'm going to show you my list of things to tackle today.  I find I do a better job with cleaning when I have a list to keep me on track.  Also, it's really fun to cross things off of a list. :)

Here we go!
Deep Cleaning Schedule:

Floors- sweep, mop, vacuum all floors.
Bathrooms- sink, counters, shower, toilets and mirrors. Launder bath mats.
Bedroom- dust surface areas, sort all clothes, wipe everything clean
Kitchen- sink, counters, stove top and microwave.  Wipe cabinets, sort/get rid of any piles on table/counters
Breakfast nook- clean glass top and  dust buffet
Living room- dust all surface areas, roll couch, and put away computer cords
Entry way- pick up green cabinet and stick shoes into basket
Laundry- towels, sheets, jeans, miscellaneous clothes

Do NOT forget: baseboards, vents, blinds, windows, ceiling fans, wipe drawers! 

It's so much fun using this list as a guide in every room.  I feel way accomplished when I just take it room by room.  I will begin by starting laundry and then keep my loads going while I'm cleaning the rest of the house.

Anyone else having to dig for some cleaning motivation this morning?  I will say that I love getting new cleaning products though.  Funny how that works?  Just for a little something fun: Here's two of my favorite cleaning products...

My favorite all-purpose cleaner.  Smells SO clean, but doesn't require much at all.  I usually mix up a bucket of this stuff + water for various cleaning throughout the house.  Typically, I mop with this mixture also.

Mrs. Meyer's counter-top spray is to die for.  My personal favorite is the lemongrass.  But, I have basil right now and it's pretty good too.  It's so refreshing and a perfect go-to product for throughout the week wipe downs.

What are your favorite cleaning products?  Well, wish me luck today because it's slow goin' around here.  

love, the Blair Abode

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