Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Smoothie

Summer time + smoothies = perfect.

There's really nothing better than making a refreshing, healthy smoothie on a hot day.  Lately, I have been all about smoothies as my dinner.  They're filling and totally appealing.  Hubs and I have been experimenting with different variations and this has proven to be our "summer staple."  

As in, this summer you will always find the ingredients for this smoothie in our freezer/fridge.

I don't typically follow a recipe for smoothies, but I have combined different elements from other smoothie recipes to create this one.  I'll do my best to come up with rough estimates of measurements. 

Summer Smoothie
-1/4 ~ 1/2 c. milk (the milk is used to thin, so use accordingly)
-4 large T. vanilla yogurt (this is my favorite, or I recommend Greek yogurt)
-1 pkg. of breakfast essentials french vanilla powder (adds extra boost if you're using the smoothie as a meal)
-As much fruit as your <3 desires! The mixed bag of frozen fruit from Wal-Mart is what I am keeping on hand + we always have fresh fruit.  Here's a list of the fresh fruit Hubs and I used before we purchased the frozen mixed: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple, banana and kiwi.  Really though, do whatever sounds good!

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.  Add milk as needed for thinning.  Serve immediately with a pretty garnish. :)

love, the Blair Abode

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